NeuroSpeed OS™
Hit the market better, faster & cheaper
We provide real-time cognitive states and neuromarkers insights as a service.
We are fully hardware agnostic – connected to most sensors and devices from keyboards and console controllers to earphones, smartwatches and EEG devices

Top-notch features
Real-time cloud performance
Cutting-edge Deep Learning algorithms working for you
More than 92% accuracy in cognitive states monitoring, customized and advanced applications enabled
Using proprietary cutting edge DNN and our unique know-how, we now provide real-time analysis and insight never seen before
One-stop shop
Hardware Agnostic – We connect and synchronize most of available devices in the market
Sensor Fusion – We enable fusing different devices to create new value
Dashboards – you can easily view and manage raw data, clean data, processed data, insights, customized DL insights
Streaming web API – simple and intuitive API to interface and embed our insights in your product
Scalable cloud system
All of our products are designed and deployed on cloud infrastructure, we support customers from 3 to 30M users and any online scale you need
For on-prem/on-chip versions at scale, please contact us
State-of-the-art spectral signal processing
Streaming web API
Designed and built for online streaming of biosignals
Well documented, intuitive, simple coded API
Request processed data, configure sampling rates and filters, choose your insights, upload data for DNN creation of new insights, and enjoy a plug & play environment
Security and data privacy

We can prove that one + one > two
Most people today use and wear many different devices and sensors, it’s mainstream and useful. Think about the endless possibilities of using a smart combination of the different devices and sensors, from sport to gaming to automotive.. All of these applications can be amplified, just by fusing the different technologies and sensors.
A GSR/EDA will give you the same results for positive excitement and also fear…the only way to decide in a reliable way what is true, is to use other sensors data and fuse them (some use an enormous amount of data and HR/HRV, others have more sophisticated and efficient ways)

Leading features
Hardware agnostic
We support a large variety of wearables, human-computer interface devices and biosensing technologies: Smartwatches, earphones, headsets, keyboards, gamepads, controllers, consoles, AR/VR/XR, eye tracking, EEG, ECG, EMG, HR/HRV, IMUs, accelerometers, gyroscopes…
Operating systems: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Wear OS, watchOS, Tizen
For support in other types of devices/technologies, please contact us through the pricing page – ‘Design Partners’
We can also help you choose a device for development and commercialization from our recommended list of verified vendors.
Connectivity, interfacing, sync.
We take care of all basic connectivity and streaming integration for supported devices.
Using our proprietary protocol we can stream the different types of sensory data together, find denominators, pack and unpack for advanced interfacing and analysis
Interfacing including: data and triggering sync, time-stamping, record, playback, view, download files, channeling, sampling rate optimization, bad channels detection and configurable removal, channel health, and separation if needed.
Advanced analysis, new Insights
Real fusion with merging of the different signals into a unified data stream and creating new disruptive insights, is what we are excited about!
Using our Signal Processing Engine, you can configure filtering, reconstruct lost data, choose artifacts to remove or analyze separately, experience cutting edge algorithms such as realtime ICA, source localization and spectral separation.
Deploy DNN algorithms with our network library, use the fused data and create new insights, upload data and use our knowledge and support to develop new DNNs and real-time solutions
Agnosity workflow

Neuro Insights
Our pipeline major value proposition is providing our customers with real-time high accuracy insights on cognitive, physiological and mental states.
In NeuroSpeed OS™ solutions library you’ll find:
- Free and open-source pipelines
- 3rd party solutions with a price tag
- NeuroBrave proprietary insights SaaS
- Enterprise, SMBs, and research labs proprietary solutions

Data-driven insights
Moving fast to be industry leaders in invention, adaptation and deployment of robust Deep Learning Networks
We take great pride in our generic DNN specifically engineered for biosignals and implementation in a commercial application, using sensor fusion, supervised and unsupervised learning, time-series processing with state-of-the-art architectures.
We provide insights when the accuracy of detection and reliability are above 92%
Contact us and learn more about our scientific validation process, and how our scientific team design, test and validate our solutions using Industry benchmarks measurements and controlled experiments

Ready-to-use / DIY
Our novel method of generating bio and neuromarkers is based on the separation of the different data into coherent building blocks and combining them in a specific order and magnitude. Since we work in real-time, it is easier for us to track changes in raw data, adapt the different parameters and create high fidelity neuromarkers
Sensory data building blocks for examples:
- Artifacts – muscle movements, biosignals, interferences
- Neural data – brain waves, myography, GSR/EDA
- Cardiovascular data – HR, HRV, ECG, respiratory rate
Processed clean sensory data
Unlike most of the available solutions in the market today, visualizing raw data, we provide proceed, clean, meaningful and well-visualized data.
Sensory data you’ll find available in NeuroSpeed OS™ (partial list):
Neural data – brain waves (alpha, beta, delta, theta, mu, gamma, SMR…), EMG, GSR, vibrations. Motor Imagery – fingers, hands, fists, legs and feet movements
Cardiovascular data – HR, HRV, ECG, respiratory rate
Controllers data – Keyboard, mouse, gamepads, consoles, joysticks, touchscreens, Wii remote, 9-deg…
Audio and triggering
Please pay attention that for privacy and compliance reasons we de not visualize raw data, but you can download your end-users’ encrypted raw data time-stamped outside our platform to your secure database.
We provide real-time accurate insights on:
Focus/attention level
Mental workload
Mental stress*
Excitment level
Content engagement level
Heart rate and ECG
Brain waves
* Under-development. NeuroBrave provides insights when the accuracy of detection and reliability are above 92%